7 Signs You Are Bad at Speedwork

1. You ask your coach the difference between fartleks and hill repeats. She replies that no one laughs when you say/do hill repeats.

2. You thought Yasso 800s were a new type of shoes for ultra runners or a new European airliner.

3. After hearing so many different descriptions of tempo run you become confused. Finally someone tells you that tempo means “comfortably hard.” So you do your tempo run wearing flannel pajamas.

4. After you maybe ask your coach one too many times to explain heart rate zones he goes all “Wild Kingdom” on you. Zone 1 is walking your Basset Hound. Zone 2 is running with someone wearing a chicken suit. Zone 3 is running from someone trying to sell you a dead parrot. Zone 4 is running with a greyhound. Zone 5 is running from a leopard.

5. During one of your all-out fast 50 meter swim intervals you noticed that you were simultaneously passed by a 12-year-old boy in boardshorts on one side and an elderly woman from the water aerobics class on the other.

6. You hit your local high school track at 5am for an interval workout. All goes well until the sprinklers go off and one hits you in the face, knocking off your glasses. You stumble, fall and wind up face down in a mud puddle. Walking to the parking lot with your white t-shirt and shorts muddy and grass stained, you encounter students and teachers boarding a bus for a field trip. After one teacher gives you a particularly stern look, you mutter under your breath, “toga party gone wrong,” and hurriedly get in your car and drive off.

7. You attempt single leg drills on your bike trainer. You get overbalanced, turn over the trainer, knock over the fan, frighten the cat, fall on your water bottle and water sprays everywhere. Hearing the commotion your wife opens the door, looks at mess and ask you why you peed on the floor.


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